Sunday, March 6, 2011

Stress Management Plan

Last week I was *this close* to asking my boss if we could cut down on my work hours. It was after that that I realized that perhaps I just needed to implement a Stress Management Plan. I found some really good articles about stress management and came up with a list of things that I can do to help with my stress level.
1) Read at least one chapter in the scriptures daily
2) Pray every morning and night
3) Update blog or write in journal at least three times per week
4) Exercise three days a week
5) Attend the temple once a week
6) Study 45 minutes a day six days a week
7) Attend ward activities
8) Attend Family Home Evening and Ward Prayer
9) Find things to laugh at daily
10) Write five things to be grateful for every day


Dyanna Stephens said...

Those are great stress management techniques. I think I'm going to implement some of those myself. :) Thank you for sharing.

Annette Lyon said...

Note to self: Copy your cousin.