Thursday, March 31, 2011

A call back

I have had a crazy last few weeks. I have had an interview with three different companies the last three Fridays. Crazy, I know. The first one I felt like I had the job in the bag, but I really did not feel as though it would be a good fit for me. The second one I was really excited to interview for. I interviewed for a job coach position. This was a panel interview. It went really well, which is funny, because everyone was worried about me going into a panel interview, but it was so relaxed. Well, as relaxed as an interview can be. The same day that I was called for this interview another company called work and wanted to work with me. The man who spoke with them told them that I have a good thing going with company two, but that if that did not pan out that we would do the other. Tuesday I got a call to my personal phone from company three and on Wednesday I set up and interview with them for Friday. Right around that time, I ran into one of the people from the interview with company two and I asked when I should be hearing back about the job that I wanted so badly. She indicated that they were looking at me for another position rather than the one that I originally applied and interviewed for. A few hours later I got a call from company two offering a position with them. I went in this morning and checked out what I would be doing. It feels like it will be a good fit. I will be losing about ten hours a week and 25 cents an hour, so this summer will feel like I am on vacation. I still have my interview tomorrow morning with company three to check it out. We will see how it goes, but I have already started the paperwork for company two.
Five days later, I have had my interview with company three and it went well. It went so well in fact, that they said to give them two weeks and within five days wanted to offer me a position within their company. After a lot of thought over the weekend, knowing that this was undoubtably coming, I chose to turn company three down and take company two up on the offer.

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