Sunday, December 23, 2012

What's in a name?

I got to thinking today about the name and purpose of my blog. Fighting Against the Norm. When I was starting this blog, I had recently finished a course which required deep reflection on some of life's great adventures, at least it seemed that way for me; my entire first 13 years of school. I really planned to focus on being the best advocate this country has ever seen for people with learning disabilities, because, well, that is where I was and what I thought defined me. When I started this blog, the first thing that I thought of, was to call it Seeing Backwards, because I see things from a different angle sometimes than others, especially when it comes to reading.
I have come to realize that everything in my life is viewed from a slightly different angle, and, it is not that I am purposefully being different, it is that that is just how I view things. In retrospect, I am glad that I went with Fighting Against the Norm because I am able to discuss what that means to me in several different ways. I still plan to write about being a student with a learning disability (or two) but also life in general.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Long time, no post

Hey all! Long time no posts, I know.
So, just what have I been up to over the last year and a half?

  • I graduated with my Undergraduate degree. The ceremonies were awesome. My folks and sister came to see me accomplish one of my great goals for my life. 
  • A few months later I relocated to be near my sister, and to get residency with the hope of being accepted to a graduate program in my new home state, since I managed to get denied twice from my program of choice.
  • Found a great full-time position that was set to be just a few months and wound up being seven months. I loved it, and I loved the company. When I left I really wanted to find a permanent position there.
  • In April I applied for the Rehabilitation Counseling program at the local university and was accepted (Hallelujah).
  • In June I was informed that I had been accepted as a full-time student for the program and was so excited. I also applied for the RSA Scholarship, which covers tuition.
  • In early July I was awarded the scholarship that I was hoping to get. 
  •  I applied for residency and as school was fast approaching I still did not know in mid-september if I had residency, but decided to move forward anyway. 
  • The day before orientation I found out that I had been granted residency for my new state. 
  • Early October I started my first quarter of Graduate School. It was hard work, but I made it. There were many tears and fears of failing, but thanks to an incredibly understanding professor I was able to successfully complete my first quarter and am ready to take on the next!