Thursday, March 24, 2011


It is time to regroup and reapply... in two months.
Yes, that is right I did not get into the program that I so desperately wanted to get into. It has been a hard day the rest of the day after I found out. I had my one class tonight... the one that is taught by the head of the Rehab department. I wanted to go because I like it, but I did not want to go at the same time. I did wind up going because.. well.... because I have a good work ethic and I hate missing class. I was talking with a class mate and he suggested that I retest and try to get in again again. Well, I think that is what I am going to do.
In other news, I have a job interview tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Annette Lyon said...

Hang in there, cous! You'll make it. Let us know when you're re-applying so we can cross fingers and toes (and say a few prayers)!