Friday, January 21, 2011

Patience is not a virtue that I posses easily

Over the last two weeks I have begun to gain a greater since of appreciation for those whom patience comes with ease, because it does not come easily to me. Over the last two weeks I feel that my threshold for patience has increased exponentially, and yet it still has so far to go until I will be satisfied. As if I will ever really be satisfied.
I am now the team lead for two gentleman with special needs and I love them both dearly. Over the last two weeks I have had some great growing experiences as we have all learned to work together and give and take. After a week of fighting with one in particular, Tuesday brought a light hearted day while still working extra hard. It was a great day, and I got to see a fun side of each of the guys, and they in turn got to see a fun side of me. It is frustrating for all of us because we are all trying to figure each other out. After a week of bliss and having them both stay on task, not back talk, and not needing to get supervisors involved, it all came crashing down today when my patience was tested all through the day.
As part of my job duties I have been putting together a schedule of things that need to be completed at certain intervals throughout the day. I took a schedule which had previously been but together and revamped it. I think it looks pretty cool, but still needs a lot of help. It has defiantly been quite a project. I have learned so many things, like neither of them can be given multiple things to keep track of, so giving them instructions such as first do this, then do this does not work very well.

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