Saturday, July 3, 2010


I frequently think about how I went nearly six years without medication and waited until I was 25 to be recertified as ADD. Why did I take so long? Why did I decide to be recertified?
I always knew that I was ADD, ever since I was diagnossed at 12. That is to say that I knew intellectually, but not within my heart. I struggled for years and years with schooling. I had to re-take many classes over. I barely graduated High School. Sometimes I think that they must have taken pitty on me. I began college right out of High School and have gone straight through with a three semester break and will graduate at 26, so it has taken me about seven years from start to finish of my under graduate degree. For many years I thought that I could work through it. Finally, in one of my college classes we watched a video called F.A.T. City. This was a simulation of what people with learning disabilities go through. It was exactly me. It described everything that I felt. FInally it dawned on me that I could not go at it alone, I needed help focussing. It was sometime in November that I was tested, and they certified me with Attention Defficite Hyperactivity Disorder minus the Hyperactivity. I then chose to meet with a physition and remedicate. I am so glad that I did. My attention span is so much better and my grades show a marked improvement. The problem the first time around was that I did not want to see that it was helping, and I took it so spiradically that I could not see a difference. It was only after I opened my mind AND my heart, and talked with family members that I realized I needed help.
I spoke with family members about my concerns and one asked me why not. They pointed out that if it helped and I felt good about it, then do it. I hope to be able to go off of my medication at some point soon. Perhaps once I finish Graduate School. I learned this summer when I went off of them for about a month how much they helped. My dosage is not very high, but it is high enough that it helps a lot.

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