Saturday, July 3, 2010

The grass is not always greener

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I appeared on the panel for a former Professor she asked each of us if we would change having our disabilities. I immediatly said no. They are what makes me, me.
Admittedly, some days I wish that I did not feel like a druggy taking one thing for my anxiety, one for migraines and another for ADD. Some days I wish that I could say "Abra Cadabra" and have them all disappear. Then what? Then I could cary on a conversation that kept the same topic for more that two minutes. Then I might be able to contain myself from interupting a friend when they are trying to tell me something importaint. Then I could leave the house without worrying if I unplugged the hair straightner, blow dryer, turned off the stove, dryer, or locked the house. Then I could leave the house and not check everything five times before walking out the door. I could go outside and enjoy myself without needing to make sure that I have my sunglasses 'just in case' I get a migraine. I could feel free to read aloud-- or to myself and feel like I could do anything. Ah, what a great thought. As I write this I am picturing myself laying on a plush plot of greenness and having someone walk up to me and say, poof... sorry to burst your bubble, but that is not how this game works.
I would not be the person that I am today had I not been given these challanges in life. I really believe that. I have met some wonderful people in my life and been able to help people realize that just because you can not see a disability, does not mean that it does not exist.
What then, I go back to my beginning statement. No, I would not change having these disabilities. Sometimes, we need to accept that the grass is not always greener on the other side. The life that you are dealt is a gift and you can grow and learn from it.

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